Customer Belonging Policy
We are an Open to All Business. We believe that building a stronger community means everyone should feel safe, respected, and accepted. We believe that we all have something to contribute. We believe that we can all learn from each other. We believe that when we listen and care for each other, when we work together, when we value our customers, we all thrive.
We want all of our customers to feel welcomed, safe and a deep sense of belonging and connection, whether they make a purchase or not.
Our commitment to our customers:
As an Open to All business we are committed to maintaining a welcoming and safe environment for all people—including employees, visitors, customers, vendors and clients—regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religion and/or disability and any other unique qualities that make you who you are. We are committed to ensuring that all customers and employees are treated with respect and dignity.
We require our employees to respect the basic civil and legal rights of our customers. We believe in creating an inclusive community free of bias and discrimination. We are committed to ensuring our customers are free from profiling, unreasonable searches, and discrimination of any kind. We require all loss prevention employees to identify themselves when interacting with you and to willingly provide you with their name upon request. We strictly prohibit the use of excessive force, threatening and intimidating language.
Our culture of inclusion extends to our employees, our customers, and across the communities where we do business.
Safety and respect for our employees:
Creating an environment where everyone feels safe and respected is a shared responsibility. We ask that our customers treat others with dignity and respect—including employees, visitors, vendors, and other customers shopping in our stores. Behaviors that make anyone feel unwelcome or unsafe have no place on our store premises.
When customers visit our stores, we ask that they:
- Communicate respectfully and refrain from language, gestures or actions that are abusive, harassing, and/or obscene—including but not limited to hate speech and slurs of any kind (racial, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or ableist).
- Refrain from wearing clothing, including masks and hats, that project obscene, indecent, pornographic, or otherwise objectionable content including hate speech and symbols.
- Refrain from making direct or indirect threats:
- Instigating or engaging in a physical altercation.
- Engaging in other overtly aggressive or hostile conduct that causes others to experience legitimate fear for their safety and/or emotional distress.
Anyone not contributing to a safe and welcoming environment will be asked to change their behavior. Anyone not changing their behavior may be asked to leave the store with possible assistance from law enforcement.
Discrimination is inconsistent with our company and Open to All’s mission and values. We believe in creating an environment that is inclusive and welcoming, where everyone—customers, employees, vendors, and community members—are treated with respect and dignity.
Thank you for supporting our business—and our joint efforts to create a world that is Open to All.