At Open to All®, we believe that everyone should feel safe, respected, and accepted. Customers at an Open to All business can expect to be treated with respect, no matter who you are. Open to All customers commit to returning the favor.

Open to All partners with businesses to build a stronger community where all customers feel a deep sense of belonging and connection, whether they make a purchase or not. We strive to create a welcoming and safe environment everyone—including employees, visitors, customers, vendors and clients—regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religion or disability and any other qualities that make us unique.
Open to All customers agree to:

Treat employees and other customers with dignity and respect regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, immigration status, religion or disability. Open to All customers understand that knowing how to be truly welcoming can sometimes be an evolving journey—which is why Open to All offers free videos and other resources to help strengthen diversity, equity, and inclusion—and which give customers tools about how to be an ally if they see others being treated badly.

Open to All customers share our beliefs that building a stronger community means everyone should feel safe, respected, and accepted. That we all have something to contribute. That we can all learn from each other. That when we listen and care for each other, when we work together, when we value both customers and employees equally, we all thrive.
Show Your Support
We invite customers to join us. Ask local businesses to sign the Open to All® business pledge show their support! Here are quick and easy ways to reach out to your favorite inclusive business and ask them to sign the pledge:
Visit your favorite local businesses
Next time you’re at your favorite local business or on their social media page, let them know about Open to All and ask them to sign the business pledge. Print out an Open to All flyer.
Make the case
Connect with the owner and explain why you support Open to All and why, as a business that supports diversity and inclusion, they should sign the Open to All business pledge. If the owner isn’t there, leave the flyer and encourage the business to visit OpenToAll.com to learn more.
Make the ask
Once you’ve made the case with the business owner, ask them to sign the business pledge online or fill out the pledge card on the back of the flyer. On the back of the flyer is a pledge card. Have them fill it out—it will only take a minute!—and hand it back to you.
Show them love
Tag your favorite businesses on social media and thank them for signing the pledge. Don’t forget to use #OpenToAll and tag @OpentoAllofUs! Click here for sample posts.

Can’t visit in person?
No problem! Tag your favorite businesses on social media and ask them to sign the pledge. Or, reach out to them via letter or email. Let businesses know that once they sign on and make a $10, tax-deductible contribution, they will receive a window cling in the mail. Click here for a sample outreach letter.
Share what else businesses can do
Remind them about Open to All’s social media toolkit, and encourage them to post the Open to All badge on their website and social media pages to show their customers online that they are Open to All®. Don’t forget to use #OpenToAll and tag @OpentoAllofUs!
For businesses with a Yelp page, encourage them to check the “Open to All” attribute on their business profile page to show their customers they are Open to All.
Tools and Resources
Find more tips and information for Open to All consumers in our Customer Action Center

Sign the Pledge
Thank you for taking the Open to All customer pledge! Customers at an Open to All business can expect to be treated with respect, no matter who you are. Open to All customers commit to returning the favor.
Once you sign the Open to All Customer Pledge, you will start receiving emails and resources about the campaign. Please note that your privacy is important to us and we will never publish the names of customers who have signed the pledge.